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My home path includes non-english characters. Problem has raised long time ago, when MX updater was creating abracadabra folders in my C:\Users directory with .stm32cubemx  subfolders in it. So I changed repo path in settings to C:\Repo. It worked fo...
Posted on February 08, 2016 at 05:05 I found incorrect code in SD_write andSD_read code (sd_diskio.c). This conversion will fail on sectors above8388608 (4GB): (uint64_t) (sector * BLOCK_SIZE) It should be (uint64_t) s...
Posted on July 28, 2015 at 13:52Combination of GPIO_MODE_AF and EXTI_MODE is non-working.In my case that was NSS pin in SPI Slave Mode.HAL code (stm32fxxx_hal_gpio):      /*--------------------- GPIO Mode Configuration ------------------------*/    ...
Posted on December 05, 2014 at 01:14I need to make a single small TX transfer over I2S interface using DMA. But instead of short transfer I've got a long-long transfer (seems of maximum size). What is the right method to set the number of packets to...
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