2015-04-22 9:57 PM
Last post was missing maybe because the slow network. Just see my git commit:
https://git.oschina.net/dingtu/STM32Cube_FW_F4_BugFix/commit/f4d5409e0cf7ff5cc199c130616deff42c684a71 fix: SD_RX_OVERRUN error when used in multithread RTOS, change to use DMA fix: SD_DMA_RxCplt() dead locked cause by while(hsd->SdTransferCplt == 0) fix: SD_DMA_TxCplt()dead locked cause by while(hsd->SdTransferCplt == 0)2015-04-24 8:35 AM
/* default weak arround FreeRTOS and systick get wrong due to low priority remap on FreeRTOs
* it brake HAL_Deay and HAl_GetTikc base timeout and over bad delay and waiting in ISR
* a new mechanism is designed below */
HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim){
( htim == &htim14){
* New HAL_GetTick version for HAL driver that is FreeRTOS compliant
* double check priority of tim14 and task/interrupt making use of tick HAl_Delay
uint32_t HAL_GetTick(
2015-12-15 5:37 AM
Thanks for solution,
I used your changes (Using DMA instead of polling for SDIO write and read), it fixed Overrun errors but I am still getting random!! failures on BSP_SD_Init() I am using the most recent STM32F4Cube (v 1.10.0). It is very strange, is there any official fix?? Is ST aware of this problem?2016-02-07 6:45 AM
Check that preemption priority of SDIO handler is higher than that of DMA handler.DMA handler waits for SDIO interrupt to set complete flag (SdTransferCplt)
.So DEADLOCK is not a bug, it's a result of incorrect preemtion settings.