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As a long time bare metal and STM32 Std Library user, I am trying to brush up my skills to use the HAL interface (and other things). Using STM32CubeMX V6.2.0, from the New Project from Example form, I double clicked on the example UART_ReceptionToIdl...
Posted on June 12, 2018 at 09:41Custom PCB using an STM32L031G6U6 (as a slave co-processor to a BLE module, to drive a graphics LCD display). We started with a Nucleo then migrated the project to a custom PCB which implements SWD directly and the pr...
Posted on January 21, 2018 at 14:02Please can somebody point me to an example of setting up an interrupt and service routine for a GPIO input for an STM32L031? I have read UM1749 but it maybe it's because I'm not familiar with HAL (4 years of using ...
Posted on May 31, 2017 at 15:46I am trying to send a large buffer of samples to an external DAC using SPI to create arbitrary waveforms. I have previously done this successfully for 8-bit data and have tried to adapt my code to work with a 16-bit da...
Posted on July 04, 2014 at 10:20I am using the code from the DAC with DMA example in the Standard Peripheral Library V1.1.0 to produce a sine wave. The updates seem to occur about every 4.5us. Is it possible to significantly increase the update spee...