2015-08-09 7:02 AM
Hi All,
I'm working on custom board that inlcude stm32l152. I've notice that i can't receive external intterupt on UART3 while JTAG pod is disconnected , why so ? Please advice, Thanks in advance. #uart #jtag-clk2015-08-09 7:17 AM
My palm reading says grounding problem.
Without more information on your design, all you will get is speculation, and perhaps not much of that. Cheers, Hal2015-08-09 7:34 AM
Grounding ? I don't thinks so.
In my main there is while(true) loop that waiting for receiving bytes from UART3 (kind of switch-case). When the JTAG pod is disconnected i can enter the while loop --> i can print debug messages through UART3 but not receive anything. If JTAG pod is connected --> UART3 is working fine ( also the RX = Ext INT ).2015-08-09 7:52 AM
The debugger is enabling a clock that you aren't?
2015-08-09 7:58 AM
How can i find it ?
2015-08-09 8:49 AM
How can i find it ?
Careful static analysis of the source usually works for me. If the code isn't actually running, you'll need to dig a little deeper into the circuit, and the software executed prior to it getting to the configuration code. Up until now you've just described symptoms, which require you to look elsewhere for the cause.