// using Double-Buffer DMADMA_HandleTypeDef hdma ;StreamBaseAddr = DMA_CalcBaseAndBitshift(&hdma) ; // get the stream base addr if (HAL_DMAEx_MultiBufferStart_IT(&hdma, StreamBaseAddr, Buffer[0], Buffer[1], BUF_SIZE)) { Error_Handler(); ...
Is there a template or a sample application that one can use to develop fast running waveform display feature in TouchGFX? (such as that of a oscilloscope waveform display and not a static or slow speed 1-dim graph display)if not any suggestions? ..t...
Posted on April 07, 2018 at 01:11Anyone tried to compile the STAVS (STM32F769I-Alexa Voice Service Demo) project? (on IAR Toolchain)Unable to compile the X-CUBE-AVS-v1.0.0 project (Alexa Voice Service Demo for STM32F769 Discovery Board) using the IA...
Posted on January 23, 2014 at 18:40Hi, All EXTI-External interrupts on STM32Fxx and other STM32 devices implemented by STM are EDGE triggered interrupts. The ARM core however supports Level, Pulse and Edge triggered interrupts. STM32Fxx Tech.Ref.M...
Thanks for the update. Here's what I wanted to do :I want to use the DFSDM peripheral in multibufferDMA mode.Currently it works ok in circular buffer mode (based on the STM's example use) but it's not what I want.There are few HAL multibuffer driver ...
Appreciate your quick and always valuable answers and feedback.Descriptor based cyclic multibuffer use is quite a common scenario in high speed data captures be it audio, video etc. I use it all the time in many DSP and FPGA architectures (with ARM ...