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May I know differences between sensors above? Looking from parametric table, seems the same...Thanks.
Hi to all.I correctly set SPI bus as reported on LIS3DSH datasheet:Figure 3. SPI slave timing diagram (page 14)Figure 7. Read and write protocol (page 25)Here waveforms:As first operation I detect sensor reading WHO_AM_I register and getting 0 as out...
Hi to all users!I have some doubts about LIS3DSH: I can set different ODR and different anti-alias filters.What about filter? Is it digital? Analog? Which order? I need to compare LIS3DSH noise (on shake table made for noise analysis for seismic purp...
Hi to all, I would use accelerometer LIS3DSH for seismic purposes.I have these 2 questions:1) is there available equivalent accelerometer model (including digital and analog internal filters) for Matlab simulations?I need this for displacement/veloci...
Hi to all.I'm working on telemetry board:P2P, client connects to a server (microcontroller) just for request, then server starts to send every second data to client (up to 10'000 Bytes), so I need to work at least at 115200 bit/s (actually I'm using ...