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[SPSGRFC] Help configuration

Associate II

Hi to all.

I'm working on telemetry board:

  • P2P, client connects to a server (microcontroller) just for request, then server starts to send every second data to client (up to 10'000 Bytes), so I need to work at least at 115200 bit/s (actually I'm using serial interface, there shouldn't be troubles using SPI).
  • distance up to 4 km (typical is 3 km), 868 kHz

On SPSGRFC datasheet it's reported up to 500 kbit/s on-air bitrate, sensitivity -118dB and maximum output power 11.6dB, so it should be okay for my purposes (at least up to 3km).

I don't understand if sensitivity is related to a specific bitrate, or is it related to the maximum bitrate avaliable...


Winfred LU
ST Employee

Hi mbertoni,

The sensitivity will be different with different radio settings including data rate.

Please refer to S2-LP datasheet for more details about sensitivity for different data rates.

DS11896, table 23

Best Regards,
