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Posted on January 09, 2015 at 18:46Hi, I'm trying to customize the advertising packet, but it's unsuccessful so far. I use STEVAL-IDB002V1 BlueNRG HW v3.0BlueNRG FW v6.4Motherboard FW v1.4Since the command ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVARABLE doesn't give much ...
Posted on January 08, 2015 at 23:25Hi, I have a STEVAL-IDB002V1.Which image file to use to update the BlueNRG stack to 6.4. bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K. img orbluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K_HCI.imgWhat is the difference between them?Thanks
Posted on December 10, 2014 at 07:41Hi, I'm trying to set the advertising data and make it advertise, but the client doesn't detect any of the data. Here are the command that I use: HCI_LE_Set_Advertizing_Parameters HCI_LE_Set_Random_Address HCI_...
Posted on December 03, 2014 at 00:41I've tried with changing the local name in BLUEHCI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, but it still shows as bluenrg during advertisement. Is there another command for this?
Posted on May 07, 2013 at 18:05We have two LSM303DLHC on one board. Sometimes one of them appears to be stuck at -4096 on some axes. Even when I wave a magnet close to it doesn't change. The next day it's ok. The board was sitting on my desk all day...