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Hi Team,Here is what I'm expecting (this is only to reduce application size during FOTA):To put all the ST drivers/ libs/ middlewares/ etc to some sector in flash (lets say "ST-BSP"). In application/booloader to utilize this ("ST-BSP") sector content...
Hi Team,Currently my Project have 2 Build variants (Managed via Manage configuration), build are placed in root directory inside Configuration name. I'm looking for below solution:To place both variants build in one common folder. To select both vari...
Hi Team,I'm facing some trap in the STM32WLE5 device during RTC init, some time RTC initialization works, some time it hangs in generated function "HAL_RTC_MspInit()" during HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC_Alarm_IRQn). if any one faced this issue kindly let m...
Hi Team,I'm using STM32WLE5 MUC for Lora communication (SubGHz_Phy), I want to know is there a way to use Systick instead of timer ?This is because I used RTC to some other use case. kindly share me the way for the same.Thanks,