I'm having some troubles migrating a project from 4.16.1 to 4.17.1.My board is NUCLEO-H743ZIWhen linking a project after migration i get some errors like:"undefined reference to `touchgfx::TextArea::setTypedText("This error come from some auto-genera...
I installed last version 4.17.0 (I had previous 4.16.2 without any problem). When launch Designer the upper part of window always hide under the title bar. I tried to resize, maximize, but nothing solve my trouble.What can I do?
Hello!,I'm having the same problem.I'm usingSTM32H743XI + MX25L51245GSTM32H743XI + MTQL2512I made 2 custom external loaders for my board (one for each memory type), following the instructions descripted in a ST online course.I tried STM32CubeProgram...
Hi BGuth,In my message i descript 2 problems: one while compiling and one referred to Designer tool.The second is still on (cann't resize Designer 4.17.0 size and the bar title still hide some menu items...).About the first listed trouble if I well r...
Hi Tesla*Following your and other suggest I solved it:I create a post-build command:arm-none-eabi-objcopy ${ProjName}.elf ${ProjName}_NOQSPI.elf --remove-section=*FlashSectionps. All my sections names pointing to External QSPI was [variousname]Flash...
Hi RetroInTheShade,Simply unchecking the "External Loader" check box doesn't run, then, (following your second suggest), I create a post-build command:arm-none-eabi-objcopy ${ProjName}.elf ${ProjName}_NOQSPI.elf --remove-section=*FlashSectionps. All...