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When choosing a crystal for STM32, the essential information is in table 5 and table 7 of AN2867. Table 7 is ordered by crystal: if you have a crystal, table 7 of AN2867 lists the stm32 processors where the crystal works.STM32CubeMX already knows wha...
Some STM32's have VDD and VDDUSB. Setting VDD to 1.8V and VDDUSB to 3.3V, the GPIOs work at 1.8 V, and USB keeps working (the USB transceiver needs 3.3V). Each time, there is a note that VDDUSB has to be the last power supply to be active when poweri...
Using STM32CubeMX v6.8.1. Target is STM32H573. Syntax error in "Clock Configuration":Initializing: STM32H573RITx LogicalParser: syntax error detected in expression for RCC original expression: ((VCOInputFreq_Value >1000000|(VCOInputFreq_Value=100000...
FYI: To run the cube on raspberry:Download and install Oracle java 1.8.0, arm32 hard float cd /opt; tar xvf jdk-8u251-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt.tar.gzDownload and unzip STM32CubeMXunzip en.stm32cubemx_v5-6-1.zipStart installer/opt/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/java -j...
Hi. I have a request. Is it possible to compile STM32CubeProg for arm linux?Right now it is possible to compile firmware for stm32 on arm linux using the stm32duino toolchain from ST.However, the STM32CubeProg is only available on intel linux. This m...