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Hi, i am wondering if someone has the same issue than me. I could not see the bus description in the device manager nor i could read it via APIs in my software. It is simply not there. This is the case on my win11 development PC, it's not the case on...
Hi all,I have a problem on my current design. My setup... .I have a mqtt client connected to a broker. I use the lwip library together with freertos STMCube provides. So it's mainly default. I have one task for sending and receiving. Now all works fo...
Hi, i have a certain problem.I have an application which continuously reads out data from sensors. Each sensor read will be triggered by me by using a dma-uart transaction. On the receiving side i have a uart-dma in cyclic mode which fills up the buf...
I use the setup RTOS and ssl_client example provided by ST, and the older library versin seems to work and the newest on fails.Here prints from the worling one:C:\Users\MY_PC>openssl s_server -key server.key -cert server.crt -accept 8883Using default...
Hi, i had setup a stm32f407 with lwip enabled and with "gen" and "check" the checksum of ip and icmp. I wanted to ping the device from my PC and checked incoming frame via wireshark. When ping i got my timeout on terminal with no further description....