2019-09-06 12:48 AM
Hello everyone,
I want to use 3 stm32f103 with SPI. two of them will be slave and other one is master.
I did communicate this card as a master and a slave. but When I add two slave I gave date from a slave. I did not to communicate between 3 card.
Please help me.
2019-09-06 1:02 PM
Hi, more information is needed. How did you connect the boards, did you use star topology with slave select GPIOs or daisy chain? See e.g. https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/training/technical/product_training/group0/3e/ee/cd/b7/84/4b/45/ee/STM32F7_Peripheral_SPI/files/STM32F7_Peripheral_SPI.pdf/_jcr_content/translations/en.STM32F7_Peripheral_SPI.pdf for connection schemes.
It is often useful to attach a logic analyzer and check the observed waveforms.
2019-09-06 9:52 PM
Check how NSS is configured in the slaves. Typically on one to one, you don't care that slave MISO/MOSI don't turn high impedence when NSS goes high, do you?