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Hi, I used the STM32F429ZI-discovery board.​And software specification are here.​STM32CubeIDE : 1.8.0TouchGFX : 4.17.0​I imported project from TouchGFX to STM32CubIDE by referring to the following site.
I tried many ways. However, the DAC 2 channel output is not active.The problem starts the commuity issue 'Undefined reference to 'HAL_RTC_Init' problem'​I tried the method you suggested, buf nothing displayed on the LCD.​So, I finished the integratio...
Hi, I want to use the RTC. ( Use STM32F429ZI Discovery board )​So, I set 1. RCC-> High Speed Clock Cystal/Ceramic Resonator RCC-> Low Speed Clock Cystal/Ceramic Resonator2. Clock Configuration -> RTC Clock Mux -> LSE3. Pinout & Configuration -> Ti...
Hi, I want to display Korean in STM32F429ZI discovery LCD.​Unicode::snprintf(textArea_1_Buffer, TEXTAREA_1_SIZE, "%s", "남");-> Display ???​​TouchGFX Designer Display Wildcard Ranges are 0x0000-0xffff​textArea Wildcard​How can I change Korean used to ...
Hi, I used the STM32F429Zi discovery board.​So, I try to change the value to TextArea, but It's not work.​I created a project with reference to the following site.​*. Use the TouchGTX and make UI*. Make hand...