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The project uses a Nucleo board with a STM32H723NG on it. I have adapted the NX_TCP_Server project and I am using Usart2 as a port to send and get data from a device that is then transferred over TCP. This all works fine when connected to the deskt...
In the Linux version, the general Parameters Configuration window has settings for:Ethernet MAC AddressTx Descriptor LengthFirst Tx Descriptor AddressRx Descriptor LengthFirst Rx Descriptor AddressRx Buffers LengthIn the Windows version, the general ...
I started seeing the problem when I took the working example from pack 2.0.0 (STM32H723NG) and added the UART side of my project. I had also modified some of the NetX code to suit the server application for the client I intend connecting with. Part...
Sorry it is not really a question.I am using STM32CubeMXIDE Version: 1.8.0Build: 11526_20211125_0815 (UTC)with the integrated CubeMX for managing .ioc filesI wanted to make in incremental change without disturbing the present code base.I used the pro...