2021-07-24 6:38 AM
Dear Sir,
I kindly ask you what is the quiescent current value of the driver with EN=HIGH (chip enable) and Vs up to 24V; into the datasheet at page 8/14 is written 2mA max @ Vs<=14V, what should be the maximum value with Vs equal 24V?
On page 10/14 is written:
"Enable ’low’ switches the device into the sleep mode. In this mode the quiescent current is less than 10 mA." but at page 8/14 seems max 10uA (micro) so may be a typo on page 10?
Also I kindly request the quiescent current with EN=LOW also with Vs up to 24V.
By powering the chip at 24V what shoud be the power dissipated by the chip regarding the internal regulator? This is important in order to define the exact power dissipated and maximum ambient temperature also related to this aspect.
Thanks and best regards.