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Hi!I'm working on a STM32H7 running with FreeRTOS.I'm facing a quite particular bug. One specific variable, which is basically a counter, sometimes get its value corrupted.This happens inside an specific task, which is actually quite simple, and over...
Hello everyone,I have a project using the STM32H7, using FreeRTOS and with a FatFS (ChaN) runnin on a 4GB eMMC (Kingston), using peripheral SDMMC1.Normally everything works fine. SDMMC1 and FatFS (FAT32) are initialized at main, before OS, and is use...
Hi,I'm trying to encrypt and decrypt in my device, running on a STM32H753, using AES ECB.I'm initializing crypto like this:  hcryp.Instance = CRYP; hcryp.Init.DataType = CRYP_DATATYPE_8B; hcryp.Init.KeySize = CRYP_KEYSIZE_256B; hcryp.Init...
Hello,So far I've been using NN C-files generation and everything works fine. At the moment I'm migrating to a relocatable binary model. At the moment I'm in generation step and for this I've basically added --relocatable and --lib "C:/tools/X-CUBE-A...
Hello,I'm using a BlueNRG-2 via SPI from a main uC host. The BLE stays advertising and the main uC goes to Standby mode. When someone tries to connect to my device, main uC wakes up. Since I don't want to restart the BLE (this would reset our addres...
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