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Hi!. I am trying to flash the ble mesh example project from Github in order to modify it and create my own application, but when I have built the project 79 errors where found. I have seen that these errors come from a lot of libraries that are missi...
Hello. I know this is a stupid question, but I am not able to find the way to download the ble mesh library for stm32wb55 and inlcuded in a project.Thank you
Hello. I am programming a stm32wb55rg Nucleo and the debug was working as expected. A few days ago I decided to add the trace functionallity that the BLE packet has in these microcontrollers. Since then when I want to run the code I have to push for ...
Hello. When I send data from my phone (ST BLE Toolbox App) to my stm32wb55rg nucleo board the code enter in Custom_STM_Event_Handler(void *Event) function in custom.stm. The description of this function sais that the parameter *Event is the location ...
I don't understand if a function that you have set in the sequencer goes out of the sequencer once it has been executed or you have to do it with code. I have read AN5289 and I didn't find out the answer. Thanks in advance.
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