User Activity

Hello all,We are currently evaluating the bluetooth mesh implementation of ST integrated in our tools and in nucleo board.But right now, I'm facing a problem : the latency to send messages with the MOBLE_RESULT BluenrgMesh_SetRemotePublication(..)AP...
Is there any consensus about profiling tools around here?My team and I would like to track things like OS task sequences. I can not find that kind of tool with STM32CubeIDE.I know a little about Percepio traceanalyzer. Anyone using it?Thanks.
Hello,We have facing troubles with STemWin's simulator.Our embedded project creates the GUI driver like this:void LCD_X_Config(void) {   GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_16, GUICC_M565, 0, 0); ... }  Our simulator project create...
Posted on May 14, 2018 at 12:08Hello,We had an issue with the code generated for RCC on STM32F413RHT6 when the RTC module came into play. RCC was configured to use the LL library but the generated code has some problems. void SystemClock_Config(void...
Posted on May 03, 2018 at 17:31Hi,There is a bug when generating clock configuration with CubeMx on an STM32F413RHT.The SystemClock_Config is missing a line before changing the PWR register (clock is not enable) :void SystemClock_Config(void){  LL_F...