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HelloThere is a working project of an audio switch made on STM32L452. Then we needed another USB port and additional performance. Therefore, we shift the project to STM32F745. The algorithm works well on the STM32L452. But on the processor STM32F745,...
Posted on April 18, 2018 at 16:19        Hello! I'm doing the first project in stm32 and processing audio data is also doing it for the first time. I use stm32L452, clocked by quartz at 24 MHz, and the audio codec TLV320AIC3111. Sampling frequency 4...
Posted on October 24, 2017 at 08:44HelloInstalled STM32CubeMX-4.22.1. I create the first project (on STM32L452CE) and I can not download from the site Can tell me where to download