Hello, Can we, now, generate a STM32L4R9AI project with STM32CubIde including TouchGFX Middelware ? X-CUBE-TOUCHEGFX v4.13.0 offer this possibility or not yet ?Tankyou.
The STM32CUbIde dont support TouchGFX yet to build a project based on STM32L4R9AII6, so I build my own project . I faced a very serious problem when I try to put a FramBuffer into an external RAM configured as memorymap (OCTOSPI) . When I do this a v...
Yes, I m using the v3.0.0 (TouchGFX Generator) Application template for the L4R9-EVAL. So we modified the L4R9-EVAL to support 16Bitsthe LCD used is a custom one.I inform you that when I build the project by my self, All work and the UI is running ...
What kind of UI do you want to display ? Only background ( simple Photo).Is the background of your UI supposed to be white ? No the bakground is not white Except the DSI to LTDC-RGB change, did you change something else ?Except DSI ...