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Hello, I'm using NFC08A1 Nucleo expansion board. I am trying to interface this board with another renesas microcontroller via SPI.I have connected the expansion board through jumper wires on SPI lines,IRQ,and GND ,VCC. I'm using RFAL stack for 3916B ...
I am using X-NUCLEO NFC08A1 dev board & NUCLEO-L476RG base board with STM32 IDE. I want to detect NFC card on eval board but currently the card is not getting detected. can you please help to solve this issue.not able to receive data on serial port a...
How we can write data into type A T4 NFC card using st25r3911 RFAL stack code.Currently I'm using ST25R3914 NFC Reader IC interfaced over SPI with renesas microcontroller.For NFC card pairing can I read and write data from NFC card?
Hello we have integrated ST NFC RFAL stack with RL78 IC and currently we are able to detect NFC card within 1-2seconds. Is there a way to reduce this time less than 1 second to detect NFC card ?
Hello,I'm trying to communicate to ST NFC IC ST25r3914 with another mcu through SPI communication. I have successfully initialised NFC IC but I am getting NFC IRQ interrupt only four times. After this control comes only till RFAL_NFC_STATE.