User Activity

I am currently trying to read the value from a characteristic after detecting that the user has written to it.  I am calling aci_gatt_read_char_value() which is returning 0 (BLE success). From here I am expecting an event which triggers the aci_att_r...
HI,I'm currently struggling to add new characteristics and characteristic descriptors to my BLE profile. Unfortunately it seems that CubeMX does not support adding more than five characteristics and has no support for adding descriptors.This is the m...
Hi,Every time I attempt to flash the BLE wireless stack to the chip or I try to perform a mass erase I receive the same error and the USB dongle disconnects.FYI - I have successfully been able to upgrade the FUS version with no issue:I attach the log...
Here is the output of STM32CubeIDE on flashing the custom board:On STM32CubeProgrammer I am not able to consistently get a connection (by hitting the connect button).There are some instances if the configuration is set to "Shared" mode that the devic...
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