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I want to send adc buffer data to Raspberry Pi via SPI. Is there any sample code or any reference? Please help me with this.
I have a 2D array input buffer. so, what is the correct way to implement the rfft and cfft functions?float fftIn[16][512] is my input. So, I applied for a loop like below:arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(&fftHandler, 512); for(int d =0; d<16; d++){arm_rfft_fas...
I am getting nan values while computing the fft. It is mostly for fftOut[0][0]----- fftOut[0][512], after that there are not many nan values. What could be the reason?Is it that because it running in debug mode and the DMA is on?Please help with this...
I am using STM32H723ZG nucleo board. When I enable HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)adc_buf, ADC_BUF_LEN); USB Virtual port doesn't show up and when I disable it, it shows up. Can anyone explain what could be the issue?I was able to print "Hello"...