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Posted on September 07, 2017 at 21:53Hi. I am trying to perform i2c communication between a stm32f429 discovery board and an arduino mega adk. The stm board is the master transmitter and the arduino is the slave receiver. Currently, nothing is print...
Posted on August 24, 2017 at 23:40Hello. I am trying to perform I2C communication between the stm32f429 disco board and an arduino mega adk. When I used my debugger I found that my code gets stuck in the while loop inside the send_data function infi...
Posted on August 21, 2017 at 16:18Hello. I am trying to perform usart communication between the stm32f429 discovery board and the arduino uno. I have tried both sending and receiving data with the stm board but it is not working. I am sharing the co...
Posted on August 13, 2017 at 18:48I am trying to test interrupts on the stm32f429 discovery board. I don't know how to enable the NVIC function as there is nothing mentioned in the user manual. Also, my ide is telling me that the syntax for the sysc...
Posted on August 09, 2017 at 20:05I am using stm32f429 discovery board. When I use pwm on any timer, I am not getting correct outputs, that is my duty cycle is not matching the values in the ccr and arr registers.void enable_gpio1(){ RCC ->AHB1ENR |...