2017-08-13 09:48 AM
I am trying to test interrupts on the stm32f429 discovery board. I don't know how to enable the NVIC function as there is nothing mentioned in the user manual. Also, my ide is telling me that the syntax for the syscfg function is wrong. I am simply measuring the number of interrupts and blinking leds corresponding to the counter value.
&sharpinclude <stm32f4xx.h>
int cnt = 0;void clk_start(){ RCC ->CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_MCO1_0; RCC ->CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_MCO1_1; RCC ->CR |= RCC_CR_PLLON; RCC ->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN; RCC ->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOGEN; RCC ->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN;}void led_init1(){ RCC ->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOGEN; //Enables port G input output pins by setting the corresponding bit in advanced high performance bus 1 register. GPIOG ->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER13_0; //Configures pin 13 as a general purpose output pin by setting the corresponding bit in the mode register GPIOG ->OTYPER &= ~(GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13); //Makes the output type as push-pull by resetting the corresponding bit in output type register. GPIOG ->OSPEEDR |= GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEEDR13_0;//Makes the output medium speed. GPIOG ->PUPDR &= ~(GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR13);//No pull up or pull down. }void led_init2(){ RCC ->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOGEN; //Enables port G input output pins by setting the corresponding bit in advanced high performance bus 1 register. GPIOG ->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER14_0; //Configures pin 13 as a general purpose output pin by setting the corresponding bit in the mode register GPIOG ->OTYPER &= ~(GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14); //Makes the output type as push-pull by resetting the corresponding bit in output type register. GPIOG ->OSPEEDR |= GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEEDR14_0;//Makes the output medium speed. GPIOG ->PUPDR &= ~(GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR14);//No pull up or pull down. }void EXTI1_IRQHandler(){ if(EXTI ->PR & EXTI_PR_PR1 == 0) { EXTI ->PR |= EXTI_PR_PR1; } cnt++; if(cnt %2 == 0) { GPIOG ->BSRRH |= GPIO_BSRR_BS_14; GPIOG ->BSRRL |= GPIO_BSRR_BS_13; } else { GPIOG ->BSRRH |= GPIO_BSRR_BS_13; GPIOG ->BSRRL |= GPIO_BSRR_BS_14; }}void interrupt(){ SYSCFG->EXTICR[1 >> 2] &= ~(0x0F << (0x04 * (1 & 0x03))); SYSCFG->EXTICR[1 >> 2] |= (0<< (0x04 * (1 & 0x03))); EXTI ->IMR |= EXTI_IMR_MR1; EXTI ->RTSR |= EXTI_RTSR_TR1;}int main()
{ clk_start(); led_init1(); led_init2(); while(1) { interrupt(); }}#interrupt #stm322017-08-13 11:12 AM
The NVIC is part of the core, review the ARM TRM, and CMSIS libraries.