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I'm preparing a basic embedded programming course. I will use some Nucleo boards with CubeIDE. For the bases of C and C++ programming, I also want to use CubeIDE but I didn't found the documentation for configuring STM32CubeIDE to compile a simple AN...
Hi,Using Windows 7,MATLAB R2018b,STM32-MAT/TARGET 4.4.2uVision V5.22.0.0I'M trying the STM32-MAT\STM32\STM32demos\PIL\ADC\TestAdc.slx Simulink Model. The model Build ok in Simulink but when it arrive in uVision it don't link and I have those messages...
Hi,In my next try to run the "Test_PIL_IIR_Filter" example, I'm faced with an other error.Does someone can help me on undersdanding and fixing this error?Regards,Bruno
Hi,I'm trying to run the "Test_PIL_IIR_Filter" example and during the build I get a configuration error for the toolchain used by the parent file and the child file.In the configuration parameters window, the selection menu is grayed (not available)....