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Posted on June 20, 2017 at 13:47Hi allI'm using a STM32F405RG with CubeMx and Keil (over SWD for flash & debug)it's embedded on a 3party board that (obviously) we didn't designunfortunately they didn't put the USB - VBus sensing pin on PA9 as it sho...
Posted on June 09, 2017 at 12:31helloI'm using a STM32F405RG LQFP64 with an oscillator of 8mhz I configured all clock up to max speed using HSE as PLLSRC and PLLCLK as SYSCLK src all looks good on cubemx config and generated code looks good too   /*...
Posted on May 23, 2017 at 18:02I dont know I must be wrong but I didn't find function call to change the dutycycle of a pwm so I wrote this and I added it to stm32F3xx_hal_tim.c/**  * @brief  Set the PWM DutyCycle.  * @param  htim: TIM handle  * @pa...
Posted on April 11, 2017 at 12:39Hi all I'm working on a STM32F303CC very simple board(just µC IMU and USB). I need to use a USB Virtual COM (CDC) for a MtoM data transfer with a Windows PC I set up BSP with STMCubeMx and compiling/debuging with Ke...
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