2017-06-20 4:47 AM
Hi all
I'm using a STM32F405RG with CubeMx and Keil (over SWD for flash & debug)
it's embedded on a 3party board that (obviously) we didn't design
unfortunately they didn't put the USB - VBus sensing pin on PA9 as it should but on PA8 to use PA9 as a USART TX
I tried to dig into native Firmware of this board (that use old ST usb midlleware) but I didnt figured out how start th USB init
does anybody already tried to configure USB midlleware using another GPIO that the one dedicated for VBUS sensing ?
thank's for your help
2017-06-21 12:59 AM
and if I short PA9 (dedicated VBUS Sensing pin) and PA8 it works :S