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Hi All,I'm using stm32f1 series. & truestudio.I want to set the PWM pin "High" when pwm does't starting pwm.But when i initialize the pwm, pwm pin is "Low".How can i set the pwm pin "high" when initializing.
Hi All.​I'm beginner of IAP with sd card.​I found Application note 'AN4854'​And x-cube-iap-sd.​But it's difficult for me.So i want some step by step example or getting started example.Can i have some example?​​
Hi All,Recently, i have testing memory device Because of the flickering.I've attached my application test code below.My hardware is stm32f767IGT6 with SDRAM using FMC.I have two png file to display in 320x240 LCD.Because of the flickering, I'd like t...
Hi All,​Can stm32f103 use C++? for programing not c.​I'm using stm32f103 / truestudio / cubemx.​I want to use some c++ ​grammer for programing.If there's way to use c++How i can use c++ in stm32f103?regard.​​
Hi All.I work with stm32f767igt for using flash.The code below is erasing and writing flash.I succeed writing the flash.​But when i try to delete the flash with HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &SECTORError) ;andFLASH_Erase_Sector(FLASH_SECTOR_10 ...