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I am using the LoRa Development board B-L072Z-LRWAN1 and it has got STM32L072CZ microcontroller and want to write FUOTA service using LORAWAN
Is it possible to store a variable and read it after deep sleep or sleep?
How to add LORAWAN package into my project and I try to include the package into include path but not any success.
I used STM32-B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board and want to used COMP 1 and COMP2 in my used COMP1 as per data sheet PA1 can be used as inputbut on STM32 LORA board its not incorporated.I want to know where PA1 is used ,any doc is useful.Can I used this...
i want to initialize pin A9 & A10 in BL072ZLrWAN1board of STas a external interrupt pin. ICubeLrwan package not integrate with cubeMX so i am confuse about how to initialize the pin and call the interrupt and write its callback function.