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Hello,I'm looking for an MCU from the STM32H7/F7 lines that has the highest number of Chip Selects for the FMC bus. The highest CS count I've seen so far is the STM32H743:Is this the maximum 
Hello,A product I'm working on requires communicating with an FPGA over an 8 bit data + 24 bit address bus.To support a legacy design with the least possible changes I need the bus to toggle at 43.75 MHz.All I need is single (non-burst) address acces...
Hello,I'm looking for an ARM based MCU or MPU that has the following peripherals:Parallel External Memory InterfaceI2CSPIUARTMII (for ethernet management)Please suggest whether ST offers such a device.
Hello,I'm using a STM32CubeIDE.A lot of the in the main.c file is auto generated.For example:UART Handlers, DMA Handlers etc.I also have a header file where I wrote a lot of user custom functions inside a file named: custom.hThe functions in this hea...
Hello,The Tx and Rx pins of UART 4 in my code are shorted. I want to send an incrementing array from the Tx pin and receive it back from the Rx pin.For this I wrote a for loop that increments every element of the array. The for loop is run from the c...
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