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Hello,I want to change target of BFU_2_Slots (1_Image_BFU, 1_Image_SECoreBin and also 1_Image_UserApp) from STM32CubeWL v1.3.0 (STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0/Projects/NUCLEO-WL55JC/Applications/BFU_2_Slots) from STM32WL55JC to STM32WLE5C8, but I do not know...
I would like to remotely update the firmware of my STM32WLE5. I can transfer new binary file from the server to the STM's SRAM using my custom link only, which means I cannot utilize other native update procedures provided by STM, such as UART. Howev...
Hello,I have STM32WLE5CBU6 and I communicate with my Quectel chip over standard UART communication (interface LPUART, PA2, PA3) via AT commands. Transmitting from STM to Quectel is always working well, but when I want to read response from Quectel ch...
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