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Hello,i am trying to implement Openamp to in a project with touchgfx. In the beginning i started with openamp and it worked. M7 was the master, M4 the slave and i had a working implementation. It turned out that encoders etc are better handleled on t...
Hello,i am working on a board that is redrawn from the H745I-Disco which originally has the FT5336 as touch controller. My Display has the FT5426. On an earlier board that recreated the F746-Disco (which also has the FT5336) i noticed that the  FT542...
Hi,i have troubles finding the external loader for the H745I-Disco schematic. I have to admit that i drew my own board without trying it on the disco board first.The schematic says that for two Quadspi flash ICs the MT25QL512A should be used. I have ...
Hello,I made a custom f746 board like it is done on the discovery board. I have only implemented SDRAM and QuadSPIFlash. I can program the mcu without any problems. The display flickers heavily
Hi, my project is an ethernet server made with the STM32F411RET6. It receives and transmits data over SPI as a slave in 16bit mode, chip select disabled. At the moment i poll with HAL_SPI_Receive() and HAL_SPI_Transmit(). After transmit the master is...