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Hi,a footnote(4) in STM32H7 reference manual RM0468 Table 56 regarding the maximum allowed frequency for ADC says"With a duty cycle close to 50%, meaning that DIV[P/Q/R]x values shall be even".Does this recommendation apply to the actual DIVXx regist...
Hi,I experience strange behaviour with the just reworked H7 ethernet driver in STM32H725 with LwIP + FreeRTOS environment. A continuous transmission of UDP frames (bursts of 3..4 frames every ~ 50 ms) comes to halt after just a few successful loops. ...
Hi,I'm currently setting up ADC1/2 of STM32H725IGx, using STM32CubeMX 6.3.0 with FW_H7_V1.9.0. They are configured to run at async ADC clock, which is about 126 MHz defined in CubeMX Clock Configuration, divided by 4 => 31,5 MHz.However, sampling and...
Hi,on H723... I'm trying to configure a DMA on TIM5 CC3 event (DMA1 Stream 0 P2M) to capture the current NDTR value of another stream (DMA1 Stream 1 P2M) (to record where that DMA just put data from ADC into a ring buffer at the time of the CC3 event...
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 18:32Hi,Using CubeMX, I configured SPI1 on a STM32F103T8Ux as full-duplex master mapped on PB3..PB5, with hardware NSS (on PA15) disabled (set to SPI_NSS_SOFT in spi.c).So, PA15 should be available for TIM2 CH1 PWM outp...
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