For the STM32F429ZIT Discover Board, need information and URL links about GPIO pins expansion hardware and C++ Mbed programming examples for using the expanded pins please?Thanks,
Following code has squiggly under bars in printf statements:Is there a simple way fix these compile errors please:This program is from Embedded System Design with Arm Cortex-M by Cem Unsalan et al,chapter 3 page 50.
I need to develop embedded C++ programs using 32F429I Discovery Kit and Mbed Studio Desktop software.Are there any URL link(s) to step-by-step tutorials please?Thanks and best regards,SSJ
For the Mbed Studio Desktop program, I need Target name for the STM32F429I-DISC1.At present Mbed program has Target name only DISCO-F429ZI (S/N: 066AFF5...71658...I need to develop C++ programs using Mbed Studio Desktop program using 32F429I Discover...
Need URL links for STM32CubeIDE step by step tutorials for STM32F429I-DISC1 development board please. Searched on Google but did not find introductory tutorials.Thanks and best regards,SSJ
Hell Tesla,Thank you very much for the excellent information.May I please have URL link(s) with information about (hardware components needed, C++ programming examples) how to use 12C IO Expanders or ST's MFX strategy?Thanks,
Hello JW, thank you very much for the excellent information about feature to not use DRAM and/or LCD.I do not need to use DRAM and/or LCD display.Are there any URL links that have detailed steps/information for disabling DRAM/LCD please?Thanks,
Many thanks to both Tesla and Peter for the excellent information.I have both Nucleo-F429ZI and STM32F429I-DISC1 boards.For the discover board I have following link with information about various pins:
Hello Tesla,Thank you for your reply.You wroteDISCO-F429ZI == STM32F429I-DISCO == STM32F429I-DISC1Are you saying DISCO-F429ZI equivalent to both DISCO and DISC1 ?I am new to Mbed software.Thanks.