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Dear forum,I have been working with the STM32WL55, using STM32Cube FW_WL V1.1.0.During the development phase I have tried to stress test the device with sending acknowledged LoRa messages one after the other. In order to ensure that I am not going to...
Dear All,I am using the STM32WL55 MCU running the LoRa stack in the dual core setup.I am using STM32Cube FW_WL V1.1.0 to build my solution and upgrading to another version of the SDK is not a simple option.The project is meant for the Australian regi...
Dear All,I have managed to get the LoRaWAN_end_Node_DualCoreFreeRTOS sample working and now I am trying to get this sample to perform a continuous wave.I know that I need to use the mailbox system in order to send the proper settings and commands, bu...
Dear All,I am developing an application and I have reached a point where the device is trying to join LoRa.For testing purposes, the gateway is closed, so the device ends up consuming all the available bandwidth on all channels and it can no longer t...