User Activity

Hi all,Im trying to load the stack onto the custom board. I've done it for both Nucleo board and dongle. I use Nucleo board with SWCLK, SWDD, RST, GND, 3V3. I think Ive managed to program FUS as it shows the correct number and it starts. Ive been try...
Hi,I'm working on a project where Raspberry Pi together with Xbee s2 (if possible) will work as a coordinator. On the RPI there will be a frontend and node js backend hosted. I want to use xbee module s1 or s2, as I already have a few. For the end de...
Hi,I have spent a few days trying to get the timers in sync, that is use one timer with multiple outputs; oc,PWM,base. I am generating a 1MHz clock for an external device. And then a start pulse. When the timer overflows ADC starts. It needs to be ex...
Hi,I have managed to use LVGL and Touch GFX and can display on ili9341 without any problems. But when it comes to the touch - XPT9041 I can not d anything. It always shows the same coordinates or zero. I have tried two different displays and three d...