2023-09-07 2:22 AM
I'm working on a project where Raspberry Pi together with Xbee s2 (if possible) will work as a coordinator. On the RPI there will be a frontend and node js backend hosted. I want to use xbee module s1 or s2, as I already have a few. For the end devices I need around 5 PWM channels and Zigbee. I am planning on using MTQB.
Will STM32WB work for me? I am looking for a cheap MCU with Zigbee and some PWM. I am sure it will work well using the stm32 kit on its own, but I can't find much info about connecting those MCUs to a different vendors. I only see example code provided by STM team.
I'd appreciate any info.
I just noticed that there are no labels for those boards. Do people use them?
2023-09-07 3:42 AM
2023-09-09 8:26 AM
OK, Ive done it and now Im trying to use the stm32 dongle with zigbee2mqtt on RPi. How can I skip running user program and use configure RPi as coordinator. I basically want to use only the zigbee stack from the dongle.
2023-09-09 8:46 AM
Happy to now about your progress .
I'm really sorry but I'm not understanding your very well your request. So, I suggest you to close this post by choosing a best answer and than ask your new question in a new post. Don't forget to give more details about the project.
Best regards.