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I want to check if the preprocessing are correctly adding my function macros
I downloaded GraphApplication from this post to try Graph Widget. am using STM32F429i-Discovery Board to disp...
I have tried to follow a youtube video (Analyzing FreeRTOS Application using SEGGER SystemView Trace software : Part 1 from Fastbit Embedded Brain Academy ) to try and debug the ISR from SEGGER SystemView ...
Hello everyone, I am trying to adjust the frame rate(to a lower fps) of the display on STM32F429i discovery board. I saw from this manual cd00278141-qvga-tftlcd-direct-drive-using-the-stm32f10xx-fsmc-peripheral-stmicroelectronics.pdf saying there's a...
I am trying to get user input from the GUI to FreeRTOS. The text area buffer is transferred from my screen1View, to screen1Presenter, to model then added to a queue. Finally, my task in FreeRTOS will check for new data in the queue every 1 second.The...