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I have an LSM6DSV16X configured to generate an interrupt on INT1 whenever the FIFO contains more elements than a specified threshold, which I set using the driver function lsm6dsv16x_fifo_watermark_set().However, I noticed that sometimes the microcon...
I have to work on a project that includes an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. For the first two, I would like to use the LSM6DSV16X sensor, but I haven't yet chosen a magnetometer.1) Do you have any recommendations for one that would work ...
Posted on April 22, 2017 at 18:29Hi,I'm working with the module SPBT2632C2A.AT2 and I have changed the default boud rate of the UART inteface at 921600bps. But now I can't comunicate with it. How I can restore now the default 115200 boudrate?#spbt26...
Posted on February 16, 2017 at 23:54I want to use the STM6600 controller to manage the power ON/OFF of my microcontroller system. In the specific I want:- Turn ON the system simply pushing a button.- Turn OFF the system simply pushing the same butto...
Posted on February 13, 2017 at 20:46I want to use the STM6600 controller to manage the power ON/OFF of my microcontroller system. In the specific I want:- Turn ON the system simply pushing a button.- Turn OFF the system simply pushing the same butto...
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