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Is there a way to have spi just send an abnormal number of clock cycles as opposed to just 8 cycles at a time? Is bit banging the only way? Can the LL library be configured or coded to do such a thing?
I am trying to set up a timer go to a one shot timer that goes to the DAC update command (to output data that was written via DMA). I am little confused on how to set everything up. I want to set up timer 1 to go to timer 2 and timer 2 will be a one ...
I have a question with regards to DMA. When I do transfer, do I have to re-transfer once I finished transferring my data to the DAC? I am trying to just have go through the same points over and over again, so it could be a time saver if i could do th...
int main(void) {   /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */   /* USER CODE END 1 */   /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/   /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Ini...
In the datasheet, it says that the DAC has left or right data alignment in 12-bit mode. What is this mode supposed to do? Also, it says "8-bit or 10-bit monotonic output". Does that mean in 12 bits, it is no longer monotonic?