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Hi,I'm developing a custom bootloader.My freertos appl. is running well on debug mode in stm32cubeide while my freertos appl is on 0x08008000.MEMORY{RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 128K - 8/*FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 512K*/F...
Hi,I am using LIS2DW12 to detect walking situation of old man.Old man is walking slowly and little moving, In order to detect this small moving, what and how do I set CTRL register you recommend?I have to check continuous moving state....If LIS2DW12 ...
Hi.I made 3~4 F401RTCU boards and have no problem.But, last board cannot use STM32CUBEIDE debug mode.Target reset error is occurred.I can program hex to this board by st-link utility but stm32cubeide cannot debug this board.This error comes from H/W ...
Hi,My MCU us stm32f401rct6.This MCU has three UART and all UART are using for service. No console UART port :(So, I make a USB CDC device to use console port.But, iwdg is not working. When I use UART console port, while(1); occur watchdog reset. But,...
Hi,I'm facing on hardfault error.:(I have used many ST32F MCUs for projects.STM32G030C8T6 has two UART.UART1 is used for debugging message out, and UART2 is for communicated with other system I am using.But, a few message out thru UART2 cause the har...