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Hi. I'm developing a custom STM32 circuit board.I'm trying to use an analog-front-end, AD7124-8 ADC chip.However, this chip generates an interrupt signal through the MISO pin when data is ready.  As you know, once we set SPI in STM32, we cannot use G...
Hi. I'm developing a custom board using STM32WB09TEF7TR microcontroller.I had a problem re-accessing the microcontroller using SWD once I finished programming one time.I found that it is due to the SPI3 (PA3) and one GPIO pin (PA2) sharing the pin fo...
Hi,  I'm developing my custom board using STM32WB09TEF7TR Microcontroller but have a problem during Programming using STM32cubeIDE. I can access the memory of this microcontroller using STM32CubeProgrammer through SWD protocol.However, once I try to ...
Hi. I have a problem with the STM32WB09KE board.I'm trying to activate Bluetooth LE using this developer board but the BLE init function returns this error massage. Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSETSuccess: aci_h...
I'm trying to use STM32WB09KE for the BLE application. However, unlike STM32WB55, this microcontroller must activate PKA and RNG for the BLE module.So, I did.However, after generating the BLE code, I tried to build the project in the IDE and it showe...
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