User Activity

Hello,My firmware sends data to TTN when I double push on the button of my board. When the first push is detected, the board wakes up from low power mode and a timer is launched to detect if there is a second push. At the end of the countdown, if the...
Hello,I would like to reach the lowest consumption as possible. I am programming an end node which sends data through TTN. My project is based on the LoRaWAN End Node example with the LoRaWAN middleware. My fimrware works like that :at boot, the boar...
Hello,I would like to disable the LPUART in my project to save power consumption. I am programming a point to point network with LoRa modem. My project is based on the ping pong subghz example.Curently, my board consumes around 107 µA in sleep with t...
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