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I just updated STM32CubeMX from version 6.2.0 to 6.3.0 which configured the adc.c file by inserting the line of code highlighted in the figure. The compiler gives an error recognizing that the 'ADCClockSelection' parameter does not exist. How can thi...
I made two projects using the new 36-pin STM32G431KBT. In both projects, after a few seconds of 3.2 Volt power supply, the VDDA pin is short-circuited with the VSS / VSSA pin definitively. As many as 5 chips broke this way. Is it a manufacturing defe...
Posted on November 23, 2014 at 19:08I have designed a board with a microcontroller STM32F042K where SWD does not work. I connected pin 4 (NRST) with a pull-up 100Kohm and a 100nF capacitor to GND and pin (BOOT0) to GND with a resistance of 470ohm bu...
Posted on November 12, 2014 at 09:50Hi!I necessity to use the standard libraries for microcontroller STM32L052K8. If there is, where can I download? thanks #stm32l0
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