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Hello I am interested at looking at the Teseoo-LIV3F for a application but I require a very fast TTFF. Having read up on the A-GNSS option will this be available any where or any location in the world as long as the server is accessible ?So no matter...
Posted on March 19, 2015 at 08:24I'm new to STM32 so downloaded Keil V5 and stm32cubef4. Tried compiling the first example using the STM32F4-DISCOVERY. I got many errors so changed the include location in the project properties then compiled but got...
Posted on February 18, 2012 at 18:08I am able to open, compile and download both supplied projects from ST for the STM32L-DISCOVERY Framework. When running in DEBUG mode when the debugger excecutes the function Icc_run() at about line 221 in the AN3...