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I am testing Lora-E5 mini with FreeRTOS from LoRaWan-E5-Node-qian example in STM32CubeIde . All works fine except the clock (MSI) is only 4 MHz.  This causes that e.g. osDelay(100) takes 4 s.I have been trying to change MSI to HSE 32 MHz, but no luck...
I opened and build a STM32F429 STemWin Hello world application in the latest STM32Cube Repository. All works fine, but if I add/change some European letters to the text, eg. Ä, Ö and Å are wrong. They are printed something like A+tilde and a "reverse...
Posted on August 03, 2017 at 23:47I am trying to import an example STemWin project to System workbench. I want to copy it, because I do not want to ruin the original one, I may need it for another project later, but if I check the copy alternative, ...
Posted on May 08, 2016 at 00:51I am trying to receive serial data via USART1 in STM32F429 discovery, but something is holding PA10 high so strongly, that MAX3232 cannot drive it down.  According to the schematic there should not be any pullup resist...
Posted on April 27, 2016 at 11:46I downloaded and tried to build a STemWin test application from the emWin files included.  The builder complained something about C:\Users\bennacef\Desktop\SVN\STM32_emWin_Library.  What is this benna...