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Posted on January 02, 2012 at 15:09Hi I maybe overlooking it , but I don't find to which pins the adc is connected ? In the pinouts and pin description I find ADC3_INx , and ADC123_INx , ADC12_INx. I can not find however ADC1_IN0 for example. Doen't...
Posted on December 13, 2011 at 21:24Hi, How do I exactly use the fpu after enabled it ? How do I for example put 5.5 into it and add 3.25 for example Dooes my software have to do the conversion and just let the fpu cdo the addition , or is the fpu a...
Posted on August 20, 2011 at 10:21Hi I wrote a delay routine using timer6. R2 folds the number of milliseconds to delay. It works fine , however only from the second time on. the first time there is no delay , the program just 'flies' through the co...