2012-01-02 6:09 AM
I maybe overlooking it , but I don't find to which pins the adc is connected ? In the pinouts and pin description I find ADC3_INx , and ADC123_INx , ADC12_INx. I can not find however ADC1_IN0 for example. Doen't ADC1 not exist ? And what is meant with ADC123 & ADC12 ??? Hoping somebody can help me on this Kind regards , Ronny Suy Belgium #stm32f42012-01-02 7:17 AM
The F4 datasheet has a section giving the information you need on pin assignments. For example, ADC123_IN0 is PA0. Missing currently is the ADC3_IN8 connection to PF10.
The F4 Reference Manual has ADC schematics that show IN0 to IN15 connections going to both ADC1 and ADC2, and temperature and VRef going only to ADC1. Unfortunately, the reference manual needs updating to describe the full 24 external channel capability. ST has an update in the works. The ADC12, ADC123 and ADC3 notation identifies which ADC's are connected to any pin. Multiple ADCs can be used in various modes as described in the Reference manual. The trick is to make sure you don't try to access the same pin at the same time with more than one ADC. Dedicate some quiet time to read the datasheet and reference manual thoroughly, and this will become much clearer. Another big help will be available when ST updates the datasheet and reference manual. Cheers, Hal2012-01-02 10:26 PM
Here is list of Pors and ADC functions on STM32F4
PF3 ADC3_IN9PF4 ADC3_IN14PF5 ADC3_IN15PF6 ADC3_IN4PF7 ADC3_IN5PF8 ADC3_IN6PF9 ADC3_IN7PF10 ADC3_IN8PC0 ADC123_IN10PC1 ADC123_IN11PC2 ADC123_IN12PC3 ADC123_IN13PA0 ADC123_IN0PA1 ADC123_IN1PA2 ADC123_IN2PA3 ADC123_IN3PA4 ADC12_IN4PA5 ADC12_IN5PA6 ADC12_IN6PA7 ADC12_IN7PB0 ADC12_IN8PB1 ADC12_IN9PC4 ADC12_IN14PC5 ADC12_IN15ADC12_IN8 means that reading from ADC1 and ADC2 at channel 8 will both check this pin. You can interleave readings like this. Take note that STM32F4_DISCOVERY board DOES NOT have Port F with ADC3 so you have only 16 channels.